Note that applications close 5pm Tuesday 22 October 2025
Your details
Please give a summary of your musical training and experience
Briefly tell us why you would like to be an Ensemble Artist with The Song Company
Which voice type will you audition as?
Please confirm your availability for auditions in Sydney during the day on Friday 22 November. Please note that not all applicants will receive an audition. 
Please provide details if you answered "no" or "unsure" to the last question
I am based in the following location
If you selected "other," please tell us where you live
I require travel assistance (flight/coach) to attend the audition in Sydney:
If necessary, please provide some more details about your travel details. Note that The Song will provide overnight accommodation for flights over three hours
Please remind us of your potential availability in 2025 to take part in the Emerging Artist Program. Note that:
  • Rehearsals and Program activities take place during regular work hours
  • Performance dates are weekday evenings and weekends. A detailed schedule will be provided
Project 1
24 Feb - 5 Mar: Rehearsals and Emerging Artist Program, Sydney
7-16 Mar: Hold performance dates
Tell us about your availability in this period:
Project 2
27 May - 4 Jun: Rehearsals and Emerging Artist Program, Sydney
6-15 Jun: Hold performance dates
Tell us about your availability in this period:
Project 3
2-10 Sep: Rehearsals and Emerging Artist Program, Sydney
12-21 Sep: Hold performance dates
Tell us about your availability in this period:
If necessary, please give some more detail about your potential availability in 2025, including regular work or study commitments.
Please upload your headshot
You are required to share a recent video of you singing. This is an application requirement.
  • Any song or aria is acceptable
  • Recording can be professional (recent performance) or made for the audition
  • iPhone or similar is acceptable
  • Piano accompaniment is desirable but not essential
  • Language choice is up to you
Please tell us how you will share the video with us, for example:
- Link to Youtube or Vimeo (set to private)
- File sharing such as WeTransfer (send to
- Other method
If you like, use this space to add some detail about the video uploaded (optional)

The Song Company
Wharf 4/5, 15 Hickson Rd, Dawes Point, 2000